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Peng Wei

Peng WEI [CV]

Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (by courtesy)
Department of Computer Science (by courtesy)
School of Engineering and Applied Science
George Washington University

I am an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the George Washington University, with courtesy appointments at Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and Computer Science Department. By contributing to the intersection of control, optimization, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, I develop autonomous systems and decision support tools for aviation, aeronautics and aerial robotics. My current focuses are (1) safety, efficiency, and scalability of aircraft autonomy, multi-agent autonomy and human-autonomy teaming; (2) aviation operations including air traffic management/control (ATM/C), airline operations, UAS traffic management (UTM), advanced air mobility (AAM) and aviation electrification; and (3) AI safety, security and certification for safety-critical systems. I am leading the Intelligent Aerospace Systems Lab (IASL). I am an AIAA Associate Fellow. I serve as an associate editor for AIAA Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, and the chairman of the AIAA Air Transportation Systems Technical Committee. I received my Ph.D. degree in Aerospace Engineering from Purdue University in 2013. Here is my latest CV.


  • May 2024, Shulu started his research internship at Wisk in Mountain View, CA.
  • Feb. 2024, we have been awarded the 3-year $6M NASA University Leadership Initiative (ULI) grant on AI safety and security for aircraft/airspace autonomy in urban air mobility operations. Our collaborators include Vanderbilt University, Purdue University, UT Austin, UC Irvine, Tennessee State University, Northern Virginia Community College, and Collins Aerospace.
  • Aug. 2023 to Nov. 2023, I spent a wonderful semester of sabbatical visit at UC Berkeley. I also visited many collaborators on the west coast, including Airbus A^3, NASA Ames, Joby Aviation, Archer, Zipline, Xwing, Reliable Robotics, Supernal, NMSU, Stanford, University of Washington, UC Davis, UC Irvine, and UCLA.
  • July 2023, I visited and gave talks at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Southern University of Science and Technology and Tsinghua University.
  • May 2023, I attended and presented a paper at AAMAS in London, UK. I visited and gave talks at King's College London and Cranfield University.
  • Apr. 2023, Shulu has won the Best Paper Award at the Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA) Tech Symposium.
  • Mar. 2023, I received the Professor of the Year Award from the GW SEAS Engineers' Council.
  • Oct. 2022, I am elected to AIAA Associate Fellow.
  • Oct. 2022, I received the GW SEAS Outstanding Early Career Researcher Award.


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