Dr. Subramaniam receives NSF award with colleagues
Prof. Suresh Subramaniam and his colleagues Profs. Guru Venkataramani and Omur Ozel received a $584K award from NSF for the project titled, "Expedient computing: A framework for energy-efficient and timely computing at the edge". The project period is Oct. 2022 - Sep....
Dr. Subramaniam receives JUNO3 NSF grant
Prof. Suresh Subramaniam received a $236K award from NSF for the project titled, "JUNO3: End-to-end network slicing and orchestration in future programmable converged wireless-optical networks". The project period is Sep. 2022 - Aug. 2025. The project is a...
Dr. Suresh Subramaniam quoted in Washington Post article
Dr. Subramaniam was interviewed and quoted in a Washington Post article published on June 29, 2021, about unusual phone calls from the collapsed condo complex in Florida....
Dr. Suresh Subramaniam gave a two-part IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecture to the Northern Virginia-Baltimore-DC chapters of IEEE ComSoc
Dr. Suresh Subramaniam gave a two-part IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecture to the Northern Virginia-Baltimore-DC chapters of IEEE ComSoc. The first lecture was titled "Introduction to WDM optical networks and its application to data centers" and held in Sep. 2020 and...
Dr. Suresh Subramaniam was an invited speaker at the International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks
Dr. Suresh Subramaniam was an invited speaker at the International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks, held March 25-27. The conference, originally scheduled to be held in Milan, Italy, was held online. The title of his talk was “Disaster...
The IEEE Communications Society has re-appointed Dr. Suresh Subramaniam as IEEE Distinguished Lecturer for a second two-year term
The IEEE Communications Society has re-appointed Dr. Suresh Subramaniam as IEEE Distinguished Lecturer for a second two-year term, running from January 2020 to December 2021.
Dr. Suresh Subramaniam (ECE) completed an IEEE Distinguished Lecture Tour of Japan and Korea
Dr. Suresh Subramaniam completed an IEEE Distinguished Lecture Tour of Japan and Korea during the week of November 18. The lecture was titled “The Evolution of Datacenter Network Architectures,” and it discussed the latest advances in leveraging optical switching...
Best Paper Award at ONDM
My paper with Master's student Rujia Zou won Best Paper Award at ONDM, Athens, Greece, May 2019.
Invited Paper Presentation on Topology Optimization in Data Center Networks Using Bayesian Optimization at ONDM
Invited paper presentation on topology optimization in data center networks using Bayesian optimization at ONDM, Athens, Greece, May 2019.
Dr. Subramaniam completed an IEEE Distinguished Lecture Tour of Australia
Dr. Suresh Subramaniam completed an IEEE Distinguished Lecture Tour of Australia the week of March 11. The title of his lecture was “The Evolution of Data Center Network Architectures.” He gave lectures arranged by the following IEEE chapters: New South Wales...